AIR TRANSPORT Airliner oxygen systems

In the climate change battle – every little helps

How a chance observation sparked an idea to save airline fuel and reduce emissions in an unlikely way. ROB BOYLE, Chief Technology Officer, Caeli Nova, outlines how changing the question can open up new sustainability opportunities.

In 2010, one of our founders, a fast jet pilot who is also qualified as a medical doctor, took a jump-seat flight from Hong Kong to Europe. While transiting the Himalayan region, he noticed that the aircraft was not taking the most direct route but was tracking south of the high terrain. Discussion with the crew revealed that overflight of the mountains was prohibited by the operational limitations of the passenger emergency oxygen system. He was surprised to learn that more than 30 minutes is added to every flight due to the inability of the aircraft to reach a safe altitude after a depressurisation, before passengers run out of oxygen.

So, what if oxygen systems could be improved? Could more direct routes be safely taken, saving valuable time, money and fuel? What environmental wins would follow? These questions inspired our founders to use their knowledge of aviation and medicine to come up with a new concept for passenger emergency oxygen. Consequently, in 2018, Caeli Nova was launched, offering patented new breathing technology.

When creating a genuinely innovative product, it is important to draw on established knowledge but not be afraid to start with a completely blank piece of paper. When we started developing a more efficient oxygen system, we only identified very small gains by asking: “How can we make the oxygen source lighter?” However, by changing the question and asking: “How can we make the human body use the oxygen more efficiently?”, suddenly we opened the door to game-changing concepts.

Our first product, Cordillera, is therefore a revolutionary aircraft passenger emergency oxygen system which allows improved oxygenation in the body at high altitude through a unique patented gas mixture. Most existing chemical oxygen systems on the market can only provide oxygen for about 22 minutes, which means pilots must descend to a safe breathing altitude of typically 10,000ft within that time. Because Cordillera optimises oxygenation at a human physiological level, the system can be used at high altitude significantly longer, with between five to ten times longer duration for the same system weight.

As a result, Cordillera opens up the most efficient flight paths, allowing shorter routes without compromising passenger safety, as well as reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions and bringing wider sustainability benefits to airline operators. All of this is achieved in a system which can be retrofitted during the same time it takes to swap a chemical generator for calendar maintenance.

There are always challenges developing breakthrough technologies. Cordillera has been no exception. We have remained strong in the face of cynicism. Many people, whatever their motives, are quick to say a disruptive product will not work and we have fought that opposition with facts. We have listened, and considered, every criticism and then used it to inform how we take the next steps.

External partnerships

With any new aviation technology, the worst thing you can do is surprise the regulators with your new technology at the end of your design process. So, we actively engaged with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as we developed the concept and system, long before we reached a finalised system design. Getting expert regulator insight and feedback as early as possible, is a key risk mitigation for any innovative product.

Similarly, OEM support is crucial, which is why in September 2021, we signed a co-development partnership agreement with Airbus, focusing on maximising the benefits of our technology for the company’s aircraft models for both retrofit and future line-fit. Working with a major OEM will build wider industry confidence in our new technology and is a huge motivation for a small and focused team.

With support from our external partnership group, we have minimised our development risks, allowing us to target our first retrofit STC by summer 2022, with a line-fit solution following up soon after.

$400m+ annual savings

Through Cordillera, airlines will have unprecedented opportunities to safely navigate challenging high-terrain airways, such as L888 in the Himalayas.

No longer facing the limitations of existing oxygen systems, airlines using Cordillera will be able to fly more direct routes than ever before. We estimate this technology could save the airline industry $400m+ annually, with routes that benefit having an average 30 minute shorter sector time than before.

Short and long-term green ‘wins’

So where does Cordillera fit within the industry’s sustainability agenda? Well, it is my view, that as an industry, we should passionately pursue long-term ‘big wins’ in sustainable aviation, such as the benefits of electric aircraft propulsion (EP) and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). However, Cordillera proves that there are significant ‘quick wins’ that can be exploited today, reducing our environmental impact well in advance of the future technologies reaching maturity. SAF will be more expensive than existing aviation fuel, and EP will have significant operational performance challenges, so products like Cordillera will not only deliver small to medium efficiency gains today but will one day prove to be essential partners for those game-changers of the future.