AIR TRANSPORT Smart passenger cabins

Conscious cabins

Cranfield University is inviting debate on how future intelligent aircraft cabin systems could be used to assist and care for airline passengers. BILL READ FRAeS analyses some of the proposed ideas and how passengers might react to them.

Cabin with a soul – You think you’ve got problems? You should try being a cabin.

You are a passenger of the future. Boarding your green environmentally efficient aircraft, you take your place in your ultra lightweight economy seat – it is a little hard – and admire the HD virtual scenery projected on the walls of the windowless cabin. After take-off you are then free to enjoy the delights of the latest virtual reality IFE system. Putting on your headset and inserting your earplugs to reduce the noise from other passengers, you use hand gestures to take you on a 3D tour of your destination followed by an action film in which you are the hero – although it is a little difficult to fight with your lightsaber when are confined to your seat.

Don’t get too warm from your virtual exercise or the cabin body heat detectors may think you have an infection and trigger an alarm. You use the IFE system to order a cooling drink but don’t have too many or the machine will tell the cabin crew. Time to talk to a fellow passenger elsewhere in the aircraft but don’t worry – you won’t disturb your neighbours as they won’t be able to hear you. Then relax and enjoy the quietness of the cabin as you look out through the side of the aircraft and see the passing landscape – augmented with extra geographical information – and muse on how much better your passenger flight experience is now than it was in the past.

This vision of the future could one day be reality as new technology enables the introduction of intelligent aircraft cabins which can interact with passengers. However, would these new systems improve the passenger experience or detract from it?

Greener, safer and happier

Among the many webinars at the FIA Connect virtual Farnborough Air Show event in July was a presentation on Future Cabin Design by Dr Thomas Budd from Cranfield University.

Watch out – Conscious aircraft, caring for both the aircraft and you.

Using graphics created in Cranfield’s Passenger Experience Laboratory at DARTeC (Digital Aviation and Research Technology Centre), in which users can explore a 3D simulation of an aircraft cabin, Dr Budd showed how the aircraft cabin of the future might use new and emerging technologies to revolutionise the onboard passenger experience and make air travel more sustainable for future generations. The intelligent aircraft cabin is part of a wider vision of creating a ‘conscious aircraft’ which would monitor its own health and predict when components and systems need to be replaced. Dr Budd explained how the purpose of the future cabin design demonstration was to spark interest and debate into what the future cabin experience may (or should) look like in the future.

Dr Budd explained how a flight represents a critical part of a traveller’s door-to-door journey and a good travel experience can make a refreshing and energising start to a holiday or business trip, whereas a stressful one makes the flight an experience that has to be ‘endured rather than enjoyed’.

The presentation focused on how different advances in technology could be used in the aircraft cabin to monitor passengers, partly with the intention of enhancing their enjoyment of the flight and partly with a wider focus to improve the overall safety of all the passengers aboard the aircraft. There was also a drive to reduce the environmental impact of aviation. 

The intelligent cabin doctor will see you now

VR headset – Don’t interrupt me, I’m in my own virtual world!

Following the Covid-19 crisis, more attention is being paid to passenger well-being and the prevention of future pandemics through bio-safety measures. Consequently, there is an urgent need to address the role of cabin design to minimise the risk of airborne pathogens and other biological hazards. Technology will have a key role to play in addressing these challenges.

Dr Budd described how three key factors to minimising passenger fatigue and the effects of jet lag are: to be well-hydrated, to stay active and to get rest. By using a network of strategically positioned sensors, the smart or conscious cabin can monitor a passenger’s physiological state throughout a flight, including body temperature, pulse and hydration levels. This can also be useful for health screening purposes. If desired, passengers could choose to receive automatic alerts and notifications with advice on their requirements in advance of actual need.

Big airline is watching you

Touchless surfaces – Look but don’t touch. Hands-free gesture controls are already being used for smart home devices, games and cars. All images courtesy of Cranfield University

Accepting the invitation to comment on the proposals, it could be said that the introduction of an ‘intelligent cabin’ monitoring passengers’ vital signs might not necessarily be welcomed by passengers, some of whom might not be comfortable with increased intrusion into their privacy. While monitoring the temperatures of individual passengers would seem to be a wise move as long as Covid-19 is around, there are also other issues which need to be addressed. Could passengers choose not to be monitored? Would there be circumstances where passengers were unaware that their health signs were being remotely scrutinised in this way? If the sensors are triggered by body heat, might there be a risk of the sensors being triggered accidently or even giving a false reading? What might happen if the cabin heating malfunctions or the aircraft is stuck on a taxiway and the passengers get hot and thirsty?

There is also the question of data privacy. Who on the aircraft would get to see the passenger health screening information? Would it be a member of cabin staff or would the data also be shared with the airline? Would the passenger health information be deleted after the flight or would it be recorded to use in big data surveys or reused for future flights? Where would this data be kept and would it be secure? Would passengers be allowed to see their own data under GDPR rules? Would passengers be refused flights because they triggered an alarm in a previous flight?

Sound pockets – I’m in my personal sound pocket and I’m not listening to you.

No smoking or drinking

Returning to Dr Budd’s presentation, he described how, working alongside the traditional cabin control systems which supply air supply, thermal control and cabin pressurisation, ultra-sensitive chemical sensors could also be used to detect the presence of unwanted particles, including smoke or exhaust gases, specific physiological markers (for example if someone has been drinking too much alcohol) and pathogens (to help prevent the spread of viruses or infectious diseases). If predetermined levels or certain substances were exceeded, notifications could be sent to cabin crew to alert them to a potential problem.

Alcoholics not so anonymous

Once again, this proposal to use the aircraft systems to remotely monitor passengers could lead to problems. Smoke detectors are already fitted in areas such as the aircraft toilets which makes sense from a safety point of point, as these are areas where passengers cannot be seen by cabin crew. However, it is more debatable whether it is necessary to use technology to detect drunken passengers when the job could just as easily be done by a member of cabin crew.

Legal implications

The question might also be asked as to the legal implications of using technology to monitor passengers which might be construed as interfering with their personal privacy? Some passengers are already very keen to post derogatory messages on social media or sue airlines for alleged misdemeanours and the introduction of intelligent cabin monitoring might serve only to increase this trend.

Enhanced IFE

Another key focus of future aircraft cabins, according to Dr Budd, is that of in-flight entertainment (IFE) which will remain an important part of the travel experience, especially for long-haul travel. Advances in VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality) and XR (cross-reality) immersive technologies are likely to represent key trends. With virtual reality capabilities integrated into the IFE system with an appropriate headset, it could be possible for passengers to virtually transport themselves to somewhere else entirely. As well as watching films, passengers could also experience the sights and sounds of their destination before they arrive, plan their onward journeys or explore the destinations they are currently flying over with an immersive 360º experience.

Confined reality

While the idea of using virtual reality to escape from the reality of long-distance air transport sounds promising in theory, the actual experience may be less than optimal. VR headsets can create the illusion of being in a different world if you can walk about and interact with things but would this work when you are confined to an aircraft seat? Also, to use the systems, passengers would have to wear a VR headset which would run the risk of them being unaware of what was happening in the aircraft cabin space if another passenger wanted to get out into the aisle or the cabin staff want to serve meals. Being enclosed in a VR headset would also not improve the travel experience of passengers who do not enjoy the experience of sitting in the restricted space of an aircraft.

Touchless control

There is also the issue of control. Currently, seatback IFE systems are operated using touch controls – which is not such a good idea in a world with Covid-19 where the surfaces could become infected and spread between passengers. If Covid-19 is here to stay, then future IFE systems are being proposed which incorporate touchless controls operated by simple motion or hand gestures which would remove the need for passengers to come into contact with each other indirectly.

A recipe for air rage?

Gesture control is already used for applications for personal home devices, TVs, computer games and car security and is being developed for pilots of military aircraft who need fast control of a manoeuvring aircraft. However, the question might be asked as to whether such a system would be suitable for a civil aircraft with hundreds of passengers. While it would be easy for a machine to detect a gesture from a single military pilot, could an IFE system also detect an individual signal from a passenger sitting in close proximity to other passengers where you are bunched so tightly together that you have limited arm movement?


Some gesture control devices rely on the user wearing a special glove or wristband to recognise a signal while others use movement alone. In an aircraft cabin would the zone of control need to be to be very narrow to avoid conflicting signals from other passengers? What happens, for example, if people push past in the aisle or a passenger sitting in your row needs to get past to go to the toilet – would this reset your IFE system? Supposing you move your hands for any other reason than IFE control or the passenger in front puts their seat back? Or if you accidently change someone else’s IFE settings? It could be a recipe for air rage.

Keeping the noise down

Unwanted noise in the cabin can often make it difficult for passengers to get some rest. Dr Budd explained how acoustic comfort for passengers could be improved by modifying, redirecting or dispersing cabin sounds. Passively, this can be achieved using traditional noise-cancelling means, including insulating materials and integrated topography patterns inside cabin walls. Active noise cancelling can also be achieved by using individual ear buds. A more advanced manipulation of passengers’ individual sound environment may also be delivered by using individual sound-shaping blocks, a novel technology that allows the creation of sound pockets – audio holograms in free space. Using technology called distributed acoustic conversation shielding, it may also be possible in the future for passengers to talk to each other without being overheard by those sitting next to them.

No seat is safe from interruption

Using distributed acoustic conversation shielding in aircraft might also lead to issues conflicting with personal privacy. Other questions might be whether it would cost to use such a service – as it does with using mobile phones in flight. Would cabin crew be able to listen in to conversations? In today’s security-conscious world, might there be pressure from government agencies to monitor and record passenger conversations?

Future cabins as imagined by Airbus.

Windowless aircraft?

Turning to how technology could also assist in making aircraft more environmentally friendly, Dr Budd described how it would be possible to reduce aircraft weight and improve aerodynamic efficiency by having aircraft without exterior windows which would project real time HD images of the outside view onto the side of the cabin – a solution that has already been proposed for supersonic business jets and blended wing commercial aircraft designs.

But would anyone want to fly in one? Certainly not passengers who suffer from claustrophobia and feel uncomfortable even in an aircraft cabin with windows. It would also not be popular with agoraphobics who suffer anxiety in situations where there is no means of escape or with passengers afraid of heights who find themselves sitting next to the edge of a great height. At least with a window you get a choice of whether or not to look out of it. There are also safety implications in that there would be no natural light if the cabin lights fail or if light is needed for an emergency evacuation.

Weight savings

Weight savings could also be achieved by using advanced lightweight materials, such as aerogels, sound insulation, heat insulation, metal foams and lattices and other meta-materials that offer unique properties by combining the effects of topology and microscopic structure. These materials could be used in any cabin product, including seats and insulation panels.

The risk with these designs is that the desire for airlines to reduce weight may come at the expense of passenger comfort. A lightweight seat is often also an uncomfortable seat.

Future cabins as imagined by Airbus. Airbus

Cabins with a soul

Dr Budd concluded by describing the development of future intelligent cabin systems as a ‘true revolution in the way passengers experience air travel which could be achieved if cabins were fitted with a ‘soul’ – the ability to feel, understand and adapt to different groups of passengers aboard at any given time’.

The aim would be to ‘provide passengers with a more personal, tailored in-flight experience to achieve the highest level of passenger satisfaction’. With the future systems integrated with other onboard systems, such as IFE, for enhanced passenger well being, further capabilities for the state, trait and needs of individual passengers could also be introduced, including improved services for passengers with unseen disabilities.

Flying nearer to heaven or hell?

But would this objective be achieved? What seems to have been omitted from this vision of the future is that not all passengers want to talk to other passengers or to have their temperatures monitored. Some passengers might just want to be left alone. Not all passengers would have their flight experience enhanced with virtual reality IFE and might prefer to use their own laptops, read a book or to sleep? For passengers with unseen disabilities, what would an intelligent cabin system provide that would not be better dealt with by human cabin crew?

Stimulating debate

Dr Budd is welcoming comments on the pros and cons of the intelligent cabin proposals. This invitation to debate is a welcome move so that developers of systems which interact with passengers can avoid the risk of implementing new technology for technology’s sake. Human elements need to be taken into consideration, as well as issues of privacy and confidentiality. New technology can do amazing things but don’t forget the human in the machine.